Students will learn how to create a digital portfolio for their use to market their talents and abilities in a professional way. An art career often refers to a job that involves being creative or producing works of art, often using a specific medium. This can include professionals who produce their own art, like painters and sculptors, as well as jobs that entail working with art or evaluating its value. You can also find artistic jobs in industries like marketing, architecture, fashion, photography and news reporting. Drawing and Painting is art that you look at, sculpture is art that you can walk around, architecture is art that you walk through, and fashion is art that you wear. Does the student want to focus on animation, web design, illustration, museum curator, art teaching, etc.? What should his/her digital portfolio look like? What does the Kansas City Art Institute require for entrance and/or scholarship? What does a person looking to hire an artist for murals or book illustration look for in a student portfolio? How can you write a good artistic statement about your history of choosing an art field as your career and what do schools look for in a professional essay or artistic statement. This class will help your gifted student clarify their career choices and creating a digital portfolio that can be utilized again and again for their professional career choices. Students will learn how to recognize and evaluate their own work experiences and artwork and its relevance to using it in their digital portfolio. Finally, a student’s digital portfolio serves as a platform for their project-based learning, showcasing the knowledge they have learned, the skills they have mastered, and their learning progress. Students can showcase their project work in a portfolio when applying for scholarships, internships, jobs, and colleges. It is the resume of today for young artists of all kinds.

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